Category Archives: video
Video and Multimedia content.
Stop Newby Island Expansion Facts – YouTube
Stop Newby Island Expansion Facts Slides
Happy Earth Day! Educational 13 min video and slides explaining myths and facts on the Newby Island Landfill. Protect our environment and communities today. Learn about the Newby Island Expansion and its adverse impact to the environment and communities surrounding it. (Slide version)
Stop Newby Island Expansion Facts – YouTube.
Newby Island landfill expansion plans raises a stink in Milpitas |
The proposal to expand a South Bay landfill is drawing sharp criticism from neighbors who say it’s the cause of an ongoing odor problem in their city.
Republic’s Newby presentation in Milpitas 03/04/2015
Republic’s Newby presentation in Milpitas 03/04/2015. If you follow the link to playlist, you should be able to find specific sections including the Q&A. Follow this link to YouTube.