Join our us to Demand San Jose to Stop ALL Urban Landfill Expansions!
It is appalling that every single city around San Francisco Bay has closed down its landfills and yet, San Jose City continue to permit the growth of 5 landfills in environmentally sensitive locations, 4 of the 5 are within densely populated neighborhoods.
There are 8 public schools and about 100,000 people who work and live within 2 miles of Newby Island Resource Recovery Park which includes the largest bayfront landfill, largest recyclery and composting operation. Collectively, Newby Island has received 4000+ complaints and 32 Regulatory Violations from BAAQMD, LEA and RWQCB in the past 15 months. San Jose Planning Staff had acknowledged that the existing land uses are indeed incompatible.
SF Bay Area Landfills Info
Newby Area Population Density Map
One thought on “Join Us to Stop Urban Landfill Expansion”
Respected Officials,
I am a Milpitas resident. Most of the days in the morning or evening the stinky outside when open the home door.
I am sad that I have to work at home. It is very unlucky, sometimes the smell was horrible and keep two hours, three hours or more longer. That is truly sad fact. We are forced to smell it.
Stop the Newby Landfill expansion, dont make things worse.
Respected Officials,
I am a Milpitas resident. Most of the days in the morning or evening the stinky outside when open the home door.
I am sad that I have to work at home. It is very unlucky, sometimes the smell was horrible and keep two hours, three hours or more longer. That is truly sad fact. We are forced to smell it.
Stop the Newby Landfill expansion, dont make things worse.
Thank you for reading my email.