Category Archives: News

News & Magazine articles.

Milpitas Post Article: Republic Services to put landfill change to voters

Republic Services is quick to respin its story (see link below) for the referendum.

January’s article  clearly stated RS had legal troubles which prevented them from bidding.

Republic Services General Manager Evan Boyd told the council that although the company only submitted a proposal for collecting garbage it would like to be considered for disposal service as well if legal issues involving odor complaints are ironed out.

“Given the legal proceedings surrounding the project we believed that in order for the city to contemplate using the Newby Island landfill there would need to be a number of issues resolved before that step could be taken,” Boyd said.

Now Republic is saying “City’s longtime waste hauler believes process used to select new waste disposer was not fair, competitive.” See article below.

Source: Milpitas:Republic Services to put landfill change to voters – San Jose Mercury News

Milpitas Post editorial: City dealt blow in its quest to block landfill expansion, but the game is not over

For more than a half century, Milpitas has been fighting the foul odor-producing sources in and around the garbage landfill, which borders Milpitas’ west flank. To the surprise of no one, the battle continues unabated.

Source: Milpitas Post editorial: City dealt blow in its quest to block landfill expansion, but the game is not over – San Jose Mercury News

Clean House: Milpitas Mayor Takes on the task to eliminate odor once and for all

Article in the Silicon Valley Impressions magazine.
Milpitas residents suffer from two sources of headache from the
city of San Jose: The Newby Island Landfill and the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Plant. Both occupy a large area of land next to the city of Milpitas. Full Article on Pages 17 to 19.


5月6日(周三)晚,圣荷西城市规划委员会对纽比垃圾场的扩容申请再次做出延期投票决定。苗必达居民周石群女士对这一结果表示接受,她称:“这是反对扩容的一个阶段性胜利。”苗必达市城市经理威廉姆斯(ThomasC.Williams)认为:“这是苗必达市民持续反对的声音起到了作用。”纽比垃圾场代表利奇菲尔德(Don Litchfield)则坦言对结果“很吃惊”。 – 新闻

Source: 苗必达反垃圾场扩容取得“阶段性胜利” 

Milpitas Post editorial: Debates, meetings about odor sources continue

Milpitas has been battling to curb the odor producing sources on its western border for many years. However, its legal protest to a go-ahead to raising the landfill height at Newby Island to the size of a 20-story building seems to have resonated in the ears of the San Jose Planning Commission. Last week the commission voted unanimously to delay any action permitting the expansion until it conducts an independent study of the problem.

Source: Milpitas Post editorial: Debates, meetings about odor sources continue